Smart Tools For Profitable Agricultural EnterprisesKultivate uses the latest ICT & AI technologies to digitize Indian Agricultural Enterises (a) to make them efficient, (b) to make them scalable, (c) to make them use data science.Kultivate helps enterprises to address several of their chronic problems using digital technology. It enables its employees to digital tools to communicate, to collect data, to authenticate. It handholds farmers with their field operations, to do precision agriculture, to cultivate desierable quality produces. It equips executives to make informed decisions, to plan, to use learn from data in realtime
Increasing yield by genetic approaches is a thing of last decades. Yield improvements by genetics reached a plateau already. Our land and water resources are not expanding, if anything they are deteriorating. However, at kultivate, we believe the technologies and varieties developed by Indian researchers are enough to double the productivity. Only catch is farmers need to follow them systematically. A proper ag-extension approach is critical to make this a possibility. The traditional approaches, with 1:4000 officer-to-farm ratio make it impossible to even imagine.
Kultivate is an innovative platform developed to make agricultural Extension Easy for Everyone. [E3]. We bunch of graduates from agricultural and information technology are aiming to bring in a paradigm shift in the way scientist interact/track/advice with farmers. Our aim is to use latest information technology to enable agricultural scientists and enterprises to provide better service to farmers. This also benefits the scientist and enterprises with efficiency, cost and rich data science opportunities.
Our purpose built tools are already used by corporates, ag-enterprises and FPOs. We are official ICT partner for Manage, Hyderabad, IIIT Hyderabad and TNAU. We were also invited to be part of the group to interact with Vice President of India on using ICT tools to enable Indian agriculture.
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Why Kultivate ?

Application is so modular you can pretty much customize every single word, aspect, feature of it to suit your enterprise.

The continuous, unparalleled support system is both our strenth and weakness!

We understand an intutive UI is critical for the successful adoption of the software.
Central & State Government Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture & Aquaculture departments who are all engaged in data collection & extension activity for farmers provided with the software suite.
ICAR Institute
ICAR Institute
Indian Council of Agricultural Research Institutes, Organisations, KVK’s, Agriculture research research stations working in the area of the extension work for the farmers & research projects can be assisted with the e-Extension tool.
State Agriculture Universities involved in the research for crop cultivation, plant breeding, seed production etc can be given a platform to record and follow the protocols.
Companies who are involved in mass cultivation, seed production, extension work for farmers, CSR activities for farmers make their activities efficient and create intelligence.
Agripreneurs with the company size of micro, small or medium enterprises came up with an innovative & adventures ideas. Our platform or customization handholds with them to provide the IT & intelligence system
Small group of farming operations can be organised, providing the reports, mapping of the events & trainings, hire vehicle can be make it possible in our software suit. It removes the dozens of record keeping.
Contract Farming
Contract Farming
Kultivate digitise the contract farming companies Advisory system, Tracking the field force & Procurements as the way the company is operating.
Supply Chain
Supply Chain
We make the platform for the Agriculture players engaged in movement of produce/products from farm to end customer for real time tracking, sharing the information & communication in an efficient manner.